Thursday, February 12, 2015

Wow, birding at Crooked Tree Sanctuary

Crooked Tree Lodge, Belze

Blue-gray Tanager
Blue-Grey Tanager eating a papaya
Squirell Cuckoo
Squirrel Cuckoo
Rose-throated Becard
Rose-thriated Becard
Yucatan Jay
Yucatan Jay
Laughing Falcon
Laughing Falcon
Black-collared Hawk
Black-collared Hawk
Bare-thtoated Tiger Heron
Bare-throated Tiger Heron
Green Kingfisher

Green Kingfisher

We took a boat tour of the lagoon the first thing in the morning. We saw a laughing falcon and the Limpkin and many other birds on the boat. We thought our captain, Robert, was quite knowledgable, so we booked him for a private land outing for the afternoon. Once back from the early morning boat birding, we explored the grounds around the lodge and were pleasantly surprised by some papaya trees - we love papayas, they are a super food after all, and many of the birds were enjoying them which keeps them in one spot for a bit longer than some of the smaller warblers. We were reminded of the saying, make new friends but keep the old, because some old bird friends from our time in New Jersey were here in Belize along with us, i.e., the gray catbird and the northern Cardinal. We spotted the bare-throated tiger heron on our own. Around 12:30 it finally got too hot for us even in the shade, so we took a break until heading out again with Robert at 3:30. Mike spotted the becards and Robert helped us find many new life birds for us including a squirrel cuckoo and Yucatan Jays. Not too bad for our first full day out. At the end of the day, we found out why the laughing falcon got its name. When we saw it in the morning, we didn't hear it's call at all. In the afternoon, we heard one calling in the distance and it sounds just like a laugh.

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